You are here because you know there is a way to live truly connected to your self, those you care about, & your work, where you feel free, fully self-expressed & connected to what matters.

You hear the whisper to finally be truly intentional about how you live your life, so that you can enjoy every morsel. So that you can be an important part of your everyday & awake to the impact you make.

You have been working so much the past decades that you forgot to pay attention. And now your heart is calling to you to ditch the old metrics for success & finally live according to the blueprint that is meant for you.

You’re asking for access to your best self. Your asking for magic in your relationships. You're asking for sustainable, profitable growth in your business without fear getting in the way.

It’s time to become RESOURCED & engage your personal power so that you can live in alignment with your best self & all areas of your life improve. It is required, now.

It is our belief that no matter what the achievement, it isn’t “success” if you have to take your self out of the equation to get there.

Doors open again in Summer 2024!

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Success is only 5% strategy. 

The rest is your mindset.

You are now in the aftermath of years of living the strategy-first approach. There is a good chance you lost yourself to the external chaos in trying to get it all to work.

If you have any chance of ease-filled peak performance, your mindset needs order to combat the chaos in there!

It is your thinking that determines the feelings you have, the habits & actions you take. Your current ways are habits by now. And it's likely you're seeing some wobble from the consequences of those habits in your work life, your home life & your feelings about yourself.

It's ok. Without connection to our personal power, we are slaves to the ups and downs that happen in the external world. It is just that this zig zag can cost you your quality life, and your dreams.

Without personal power & the capacity to lead yourself through obstacles no matter what, you face the risk of burnout, lower self confidence or being vulnerable to defeatist thinking. You're likely snippy, complainy or distracted with loved ones more than you'd like. Or getting down on yourself as you personalize your results to mean something about you. It might seem insignificant, but in the end, it takes more of a toll than any bad financial month, or business blip.  It’s your capacity for your vision, mission, legacy & impact on the line! Not to mention the quality of your relationships & memories that matter most.

It is time to stop chasing the strategies, shiny objects & flashy promises. These are more ways of putting more things ahead of yourself. To be RESOURCED, is to be at the front of the equation, creating sustainable, intentional & rewarding living, not quick fixes. 

This work with CF Coaching is all about integration.  It’s not what you know.  It’s not about what you have studied or learned before.  It’s not what you think you should do.  This is about practice that moves you from surface conscious knowledge, through to unconscious integration, so that you live your best self, & have the capacity to create the life you are here to live.  Full stop.

This is personal power as your guide.

Doors open again in Summer 2024!

Give us a year, & transform your life

12 months in RESOURCED includes access to:

  • Powerful weekly coaching lessons & exercises delivered live by Catherine

  • Live embodiment practices & calls curated to support your mindset journey, designed to integrate your ideas with how you operate. 

  • Guided powerful exercises, prompts & tools for you to engage with daily & set you up for success in all areas of life.

  • “Hot Seat Coaching” with Catherine to ask questions, & receive personalized coaching. 
  • 30+ hours of pre-recorded Self Study mindset programs that you can dig into right away & on your own time. 

  • A private community of other incredible women to connect with for support, accountability, belonging & collaboration.

  • A curated client portal that houses recordings & programs in an organized & easy-to-follow format. Both in video & audio format for easy access.

Doors open again in Summer 2024!

These 12 months in RESOURCED are more than a program, they are a lifestyle.

This is not another "group coaching program".

This is not a generic step-by-step “how-to” sequence.

This is not another thing you sign up for and add to the digital pile of shame.

This is a container that will hold you for 12 whole months as you calibrate to a new way of operating. The live calls are catered to you, and what you need as we go.  The whole process is designed with strategies, tools, best practices & exercises to support your learning, integration & expression of your personal power.

Like life, we have a hope, vision or idea of how something will go...and then we adjust as reality steps in. (Because how often does anything ever go the way we think it will?) That is what RESOURCED is all about.  It is not a pre-programmed, pre-designed and pre-established success strategy that doesn’t feel quite’s a sequence that Catherine guides you through to reflect & adjust along the way so that you can transform & stabilize to the version of you that you love being.

Subscribe to get notified first!

“When I started working with Catherine, I knew that something was missing from my life, but had no idea how to find out what that thing was, or how to attain it. Catherine helped guide me to a place where I not only see my goals with absolute clarity, but I am ticking them off, one after the other, and loving the journey to them.”


Inside RESOURCED, you will work weekly on slowing down, resourcing your system, & expanding your awareness & capacity. Now, you'll be able to meaningfully cultivate the thoughts, feelings, & actions to live your best life…and sustain it!!

  • Learn how to bring discipline into your life & free yourself because of it
  • Connect with the most important people in your life & have the meaningful moments you crave — even amidst the most difficult of situations
  • Define what success looks like for you, & measure yourself by these new metrics
  • Enjoy your activated personal power with measures that you set & meet, losing the need for validation once and for all
  • Enjoy an increase in energy, vitality & motivation as you deepen your connection with yourself & your purpose
  • Wake up to what you are doing, why you are doing it, and why it matters
  • Ensure there is space & care for the most important person in your

To summarize, everything you want is on the other side of what you've been avoiding.  Looking at your paradigms, your limiting beliefs, your habits. 

Meet Catherine.

Catherine used to put her work before everything. She was a perfectionist that unconsciously cared about vanities & successes as a top priority. As a result, she was very externally successful...& over time, became under-resourced internally. Since going through this transformation herself, she still has a thriving & fulfilling business, and also has more time for the people she loves, energy for her creative & work ideas & a true understanding of why nothing is more important than THIS work.

She is a professional question-asker, lifelong journal keeper & mindset morning routine devotee. Her practice & coaching goes deep, as she guides others into honest introspection in a systematic, reflective & "Eureka-inducing" way.

She is very casual, & also very trained. Certification-wise, she is a Certified Trainer of Neuro Linguistic Programming, Trainer of Timeline Therapy™ Techniques, Trainer of HeartMath™, & a Master Practitioner of Hypnotherapy. Personal studies-wise, she is an avid student & spends her "spare time" learning from the best in the world of manifestation & energetics, embodiment, breath-work, polarity & other esoteric rabbit-holes.

This is an investment in the rest of your life. Once you learn these principles, and put them into action, you will never be the same. These are skills you will bring into your life with you everywhere you go, and it truly does feel like the key to leading your definition of a happy life - so make the investment!!!”


Imagine a year that looks like this:

  • Each week, you step into a sacred space for one hour

  • You connect with yourself, get "resourced", re-align with the truth of what matters to you, & wake up your willingness to go for it

  • You study yourself through the lens of practical yet profound mindset approaches, frameworks, & teachings 

  • You are guided live through expansive reflection & embodiment exercises to increase your personal power capacity

  • You bring yourself, your questions, your presenting issues in your life, & work through them with Catherine’s coaching in the “hot seat”

  • You regulate your nervous system & heal yourself through supportive embodiment practices

  • You connect meaningfully with community that you can share yourself with, & feel motivated by accountability along the way

  • You have a space where you tune in to tune up, & leave feeling re-aligned, empowered, & clear
  • You practice what you're learning in your life & see how much changes in front of your eyes when you prioritize you.

  • You dip into the library of pre-recorded short mindset programs to study & focus where you want. (Includes self care, communications, goal achieving, self image, etc.)

This is a 12 month container to guide you into self-leadership practices & processes to empower the way you relate to yourself, your work, your loved ones & your world.

Self Study Programs

When you join RESOURCED, you will also get access to our library of fully curated, self-led programs complete with beautifully designed custom workbooks. They have been designed for the practical study, bringing the required insight & applicable tools for real impact on your life, goals & your relationships. Each of these programs complement all that you are integrating through RESOURCED.


Through curated mindset & embodiment work, you will cultivate the most important relationship of your life: You and you. From there, anything is possible. As long as you’ve got your back (and heart!), the sky is the limit.

Learn the feedback of your body so you understand how it communicates to you. Start to take empowered action from a fully aligned version of yourself.


Imagine getting yourself internally aligned so that you feel tuned in to yourself, with energy & ideas flowing. Imagine you are lined up, motivated and ready to go.

Bring yourself into alignment with the life you want to live. Through Alignment, you can expect to feel present, purposeful, motivated, inspired, and full of vitality.


Chosen deliberately and with intention, our small choices add up to an experience fully of vitality.  And our vitality is the energy that drives everything we do.  And everything we believe we can do. 

Here you will access and express the elements in life that bring vitality, purpose, meaning and success for you by connecting with the 4 key bodies: physical, emotional, intellectual & spiritual.


The Bold Moves program will help you to access & utilize the transformation keys required for thrilling goal achievement. Make yourself proud. Dive in & go deep.

With the teachings in this program of goal manifestation, you give yourself a chance to be bold & find out what you can do when you are empowered with the support & tools you really need.


It's is time to match your inner perception of yourself with the one that is required for you to answer your calling. The waiting time is over. 

The Only will have you shifting your self image on the subconscious level to match the expanded world you are living into. You are the one. You are the only one.


Your words are your superpower. They have the ability to make or break your connections, your results, your impact & your experience in your life.

Using the modalities of NLP, learn how to harness this power, how to use this power, how to impel, evoke and inspire others with this power, & your entire life will change.


You don't always need New Year's eve to take stock of your year and set yourself on a new trajectory. You can restart anytime...why not today?

Originally recorded at the end of the year and over the Winter Solstice, you are invited to borrow this energy of a fresh start when you need it most. Anytime!


A transformative program for embracing & expressing your truest self. This program is designed to help you calibrate to the most authentic version of yourself, fully expressed.

What you think of you — and what you think through you — will have everything to do with the mirror that life holds up around you. 

The 4 pillars of RESOURCED, The Art of Personal Power include:

Nurturing & honoring a new relationship with yourself & all the roles you play in your life. Daughter. Wife. Mother. Friend. Co-worker. Volunteer. Boss. CEO.

New metrics for success so you can enjoy sustainable, profitable growth without your old fears or energy drains. Create success in life & business in a holistic, personal & meaningful way.

Being so resourced that you have capacity to be real, present & heart-open in relationships. Learn to create meaningful moments & move through conflicts powerfully.

Leadership of self & others that is sourced in clarity, integrity & inner knowing. Create & develop habits that refine, align & reveal what matters for you. Mental, Emotional & Spiritual alignment.

In RESOURCED, you become committed to:

  • Being the star in your movie of your life. Live the most authentic life you ever have.
  • Building & practicing mindset & resilience skills so you know you can create & handle anything. 
  • Learning about yourself, your patterns & what makes you tick, what makes you contract & what moves you to action.
  • Devoted self leadership & putting yourself first.
  • Caring about how you show up in the world on all levels, & owning the impact you make.

It is one thing when you are starting a new business, and everything that happens feels so new...

"Oh this was good!" or "Oh this was bad!" 

You don’t know what you don’t know, so it’s a necessary roller-coaster. You have time & energy for it.

It’s another thing when you have had your business (& habits!) going for a while & discover you have:

  • Gotten lost in the frenzy & are passing ships in the night with your family. Connections have become transactional.
  • Flatlined in your results & are exhausted at the thought of what it takes to maintain what you’ve got.
  • Developed bad habits that are interfering with your effectiveness (& happiness).
  • Found yourself doing the same thing over and over even though you ache for creativity again. It's just that it feels more risky now...
  • A hesitation to change anything because what you have is working externally. But you know that internally you’re feeling that pull to evolve.  And it scares you!
  • More responsibilities! You are already pulled in a million directions & feel like there are fewer hours in the day with more things to do.  You have different problems than when you started.  And you have an outdated mindset. 
  • You're trapped by the "golden handcuffs" of your success.

No business can surpass the mindset & capacity of its leader. Your family can't thrive without the resourced presence of you. True care about how you treat yourself & your inner game is more important than ever. It's crucial.

When resourced, you can handle:

  • Unexpected hurdles & obstacles
  • New competition in the market
  • Ups and downs of wins & fails
  • Difficult conversations
  • Navigating team members & partners 
  • All the while, feeling like you're steady.

Your relationship with yourself, your understanding of yourself, & your ability to hone your personal power has everything to do with where you will go as a leader...& how you will feel as you go there.

The days of denying your needs, your truth, or pushing, ignoring, comparing, while striving from a fear of lack or pressure are OVER. 

It is time to create success & growth on your own terms. 

You can either miss it all by chasing the endless moving goalposts of validation, followers, perfection, or illusion of control...or opt for optimizing your relationship with yourself. It's time to slow down & connect to the place where you have the courage to identify & honour what matters to you. And then support it with the mindset & performance to bring forth the aligned power that comes from that beautiful clarity.

That is what we do in RESOURCED.

Catherine will help you to develop the awareness & habits required for you to truly trust yourself. This is all so you can be a priority & create business success & enjoy relationships in a sustainable way that matters to you.

This is the evolution of the female business owner... 

She is done with the old school business approach of “relentless hustle”, and is ready to bring spaciousness, intuition & congruency into her daily life

She is less interested in “more is better”, & more devoted to the honest approach of refining, aligning and revealing what is true for her

She will not put her business before her wellbeing or her living expression of her values.

She knows that business is so much more than profits & money.  This evolution of entrepreneur is also interested in meaning, impact & business as a spiritual & artistic expression

“The women in this program are stronger than sisters. From day one I had a team of cheerleaders who encouraged me, witnessed me, listened to me and held the belief that all that my heart desired would come true.  In my life I have a strong network of friends, colleagues and family whose relationships I value and have cultivated but this community was next level.  They only saw me for my perfect self, with the goal achieved. I am forever grateful for the beautiful humans I met in this program.”



We’ve got A’s for your Q’s

I quit most programs before the end. How do I know that this won’t be a waste of money like all the other online programs I’ve tried?

Believe it or not, this is a common fear. Of course the answer is that it ultimately comes down to being your responsibility. But what I can tell you is this…those before you that have come into the program with that same fear have NOT found it to be the case. They show up for the calls, they do the work, and they WANT to be there.

Do I have to be an entrepreneur?

Absolutely not. When we speak about prosperity & business each woman caters it to their own situation -- be it sole proprietors, CEO's, employed leaders, those between jobs or finshed working. You can be retired or re-inventing yourself or just starting.

When are the calls & what if I can't make them?

First of all, you’re never behind. You can miss calls, watch recordings, skip recordings & hop back in as you can throughout the year. (We are working with process, not perfection here).

The calls are Wednesdays 12pm ET. They run an hour (and sometimes a bit more!) They are always recorded & posted same day.

Occasionally we have weeks without calls that we use for Integration. And occasionally we have "pop-up" calls to add in extra practice & connection.

How do I know this is the right thing for me?

If you feel the pull, it’s right for you. This is not a decision to be made only with your “rational” mind. The rational mind chooses logic and linear results. (AKA strategic programs!) This program brings exponential results that occur in all areas of your life. You know it’s right if you feel pulled, & if you are ready to up-level your results in your life, and operate from a place of personal empowerment. If that’s where you’re at, this is the right thing for you.

I am not a fan of group coaching. Why would I want to do this?

I know that the idea of group coaching is off-putting for some people. And often that is because they haven’t experienced it the CF Coaching way! When I coached people one on one back in the day, I discovered that so many women had similar questions, but thought they were alone in their problems. Once they discovered that their questions were common, it became so much easier to overcome them. The power of group coaching is that we see ourselves in each other. This is actually part of the secret recipe for collapsing time & speeding up your results! We can so often see our solutions through the mirror of others.

I already know so much about personal & professional development. Would this be good for me?

In this work, we close the gap between what you “know”, and how you live what you know. This is not an intellectual exercise. Here it is about embodying what you learn so that you just ARE this new way now. If you have a base of knowledge already, great! The more exposure you have had to personal development concepts, the easier it is for you to accept these ideas & implement them — it speeds up the timing of your results!

When can I get started?

Our doors for RESOURCED will open again in Summer 2024. Make sure you are signed up for the CF Coaching newsletter to get notified when the doors open again!

Can I start later?
We have rolling start dates when we open the RESOURCED doors. After we start, our doors are closed until we open them again. Best to start when the doors open & hop in while you can.

What does RESOURCED cost?
If you pay for the year in full at $5000, you save $200. Payment plans are available.

Can I get a refund after we start?

Due to the nature of this non-linear work, we do not offer refunds.

I have more questions, who can I talk to?

Our team of stellar women who love, support and live the Art of Personal Power too, are more than happy to connect with you. Simply send us an email here or book a call here. All questions are welcome.  

Here's the deal. You can either…

  • Suffer from perfectionism paralysis 
  • Continue to grind it out & be distracted around your family
  • Make your results mean something about you as a person & be hard on yourself when they don't go well
  • Feel exhausted by the idea of keeping this all up & wonder what it's all for
  • Have another year go by where you try to patchwork a solution together by reading a book, finding a podcast, or taking a retreat -- to only find it's "life as usual" as soon as it ends.

    Or you can enjoy learning the Art of Personal Power.